What to do when something takes over your life

I've had many passions in my life, but I should clairify that the differences between some of them is how far I pushed that passion and how hard it pushed back over time.

For example, at the age of 7 I became madly obsessed with Undertale, because of course I did. If that had happened today, I would have bought merch, played the game through hundreds of times, listened to the OST and its numerous remixes, drawn every character at least once (though I would have drawn Sans the most because I thought he was cool), you get the idea. But at the time, all i did was what I found to be easiest to engage with the fandom. I listened to OST remixes, watched people play the game, even played the demo about twenty times over. For some reason, I never tried to draw any of the characters or ask my parents to get me the game. It's not like paper didn't exist. I could have taught myself to draw from an early age; I wasn't exactly busy back then, but I wanted to be a part of the fandom anyway.

Today, I'm far less obsessed with the games, though I'm still a fan. I'm pretty excited for Chapters 3 and 4 of Deltarune, but I don't really listen to OST remixes anymore, and I haven't been very interested in buying merch or drawing the characters. Today, I'd consider this my way of being a fan: mild interest, sometimes interacting or making something, but nothing big or life-consuming.

ill finish this later i gtg